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Healed and Renewed to Thrive

where God sees, hears, and knows you by name




Life is meant to be lived in the fullness of joy, peace, and freedom.

Unfortunately, because of difficult experiences and unexpected tragedies, unhealthy cycles can develop in our lives. At The Place, we believe that it is our destiny to break out of those cycles. Our vision is to see every person thrive in their God-given identity and life purpose.

The Place Ministries Inc. is a non-profit organization offering a safe place to
connect with God in order to reclaim the abundant life we were made for.



The ministry at The Place begins with an intentional pause from our daily activities. Time is dedicated to reflect and process in an unhurried manner.

We offer deep-level (inner) healing, counseling to repair relationships, processes for deeper connection with God, and coaching to develop a healthy self-identity and future.


The place OFFERs...

  • deep-level (inner) healing

  • personalized process to work through issues and relationships

  • growth in self-awareness and healthy identity

  • marriage preparation classes

  • marriage coaching & mentoring

  • life coaching

  • spiritual direction


About Us

Samuel and Haesook Won, Founders

Samuel and Haesook were missionaries for 22 years. They have lived in four countries and have served in over 20 nations. As multi-lingual and multi-cultural people, they have given over their lives to the Kingdom work of investing in people. In 2015, the Lord called them back to Los Angeles to start a new ministry called The Place.

Samuel is a certified spiritual director and Haesook is a certified life coach. Together, they love creating a safe place for people to share and process their stories, experience healing and renewal, and forge healthy relationship with self, others, and God.

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Contact Us

For more information about The Place Ministries, or if you are interested in receiving ministry from The Place and would like to make an appointment, write us at info@theplace.xyz